This is an Application for Chapter or Thematic Organization Recognition (Need to link category once created)
General Instructions for the process are outlined for Chapters and Thematic Organizations. This is a template outlining each of the criteria for becoming a new chapter or thematic organization as outlined in the Affiliates portal. In the templated sections that follow please replace the italicized instructions with your evidence of meeting each of the criteria. Please remember to include descriptive text along with any links shared.
Applicant Background
[editar]Our group was informally created in October 2013 and formally in 2014. The general idea for the creation of the Wikimedia Community User Group Brasil was launched in the context of Wikimania 2013 and Iberoconf 2013. In these events, an assessment of the role a group of Brazilian volunteers in promoting the community and projects in Brazil was made.
We were approved as a Wikimedia user group in December 2013, then de-recognized in April 2018. We were re-recognized in May 2019 and are currently the only Wikimedia affiliate in Brazil.
[editar]According to our bylaws, article 17, the bodies of our group:
- the General Assembly
- the Board of Directors
- the Consulting Board
- the Fiscal Council
The General Assembly is the voting body, that selects the Board of Directors and the Fiscal Council. According to article 19 in our bylaws, the General Assembly is responsible for:
- Electing the Board of Directors and the Fiscal Council;
- Removing if needed the Executive Board and the Fiscal Council;
- Deciding on all matters of the user group, including statutory changes and their dissolution;
- Working as an appeal body for the decisions and deliberations of the Board of Directors;
- Deciding on the admission and exclusion of members;
According to articles 30 and 31 in our bylaws:
- The election of the Board of Directors will take place at an ordinary meeting of the General Assembly of the group.
- The election of the members of the Board of Directors will be carried out through electoral tickets, by secret ballot and by ballot containing the names of all the members of each ticket, with the indication of the names that will occupy the Presidency, Vice-Presidency and Financial Directorate. The candidates on the ticket with the highest number of votes will be considered elected.
According to paragraph 1 in article 27 in our bylaws:
- The term of office of the members of the Board of Directors will be four years, and reappointment is allowed.
Members and roles are currently as follows:
- User:Joalpe, president
- User:Vini 175, vice-president
- User:Sturm, finance director
- User:Chicocvenancio, fiscal council member
- User:Teles, fiscal council member
- User:Ixocactus, fiscal council member
Our group has not established a Consulting Board yet. Rules for the Fiscal Council are the same as for the Board of Directors.
Elections are to be organized for the 2021 General Assembly, expected to happen in November. The current Board of Directors and Fiscal Council was elected on November 9, 2017.
- Note: Our official bylaws bring personal information from our board members, and access to this document will only be provided upon request and with a justification.
Key Programs and Activities
The following statement is based on our 2020 sAPG final report and refers to our Activities Plan for 2020. A full report for 2020 is available on our 2020 Report of Activities, which includes specific links to each one of the activities that are mentioned in this document.
GLAM outreach
In 2020, the group held 33 events. In these events, we have involved 8 institutional partners: Museu Paulista, Fundação Banco do Brasil, Fundação de Apoio à Universidade de São Paulo, Universidade de São Paulo, Sesc Ipiranga, SBPC, USCS, and Goethe Institut.
In 2020, we organized 24 edit-at-thons held remotely and 2 campaigns, in the form of wikicontests. These campaigns had impressive numbers results [1][2] and are a type of event we expect to keep organizing.
In 2020, institutional partners our group works with have donated 5,459 images to Wikimedia Commons. Uploads were done in the context of these initiatives: Instituto Moreira Salles GLAM-Wiki initiative, Arquivo Nacional GLAM-Wiki initiative, Paulista Museum GLAM-Wiki initiative and Musica Brasilis GLAM-Wiki initiative.
In 2020, we have released four resources to document our processes working with GLAMs:
- Process documentation on GLAMs, disseminated as part of the Abre-te Código initiative;
- Process documentation on Wikimedians in residence, disseminated as part of the Abre-te Código initiative;
- Outreach Dashboard tutorial for GLAMs, also supported by a small grant from Creative Commons; and
- Process documentation on how to produce audio descriptions, with the support of the Museu Paulista education team and the organization Museus Acessíveis. This document was produced in the context of a workshop bringing together Wikimedians and educators.
Education programs
[editar]In 2020, our group's focus has been on the creation of a community of educators and researchers on education, as well as Wikimedians who support education programs. Our strategy has included the organization of monthly meetings (Oficinas Wikimedia & Educação) and direct support to activities.
In 2020, WMB held 7 Wikimedia & Education workshops and participated in 15 different education-related events or presentations. On average, each workshop was attended by 32 people; later views on YouTube videos have doubled and sometimes tripled this total. We have directly supported 12 education programs, bringing together 346 students. The production of subtitles for videos from these workshops was supported by a grant from Creative Commons.

In 2020, we created a revised version of the 2014 "Wikipédia de A a Z" brochure, with the supervision of three university professors. We have printed 1,000 issues of the 2020 brochure, which will be distributed in areas of lower connectivity in Brazil. This is as of today the best outreach document that is available in Portuguese. It is available on Commons. Alternative text on images for this resource was produced with support from a Creative Commons grant.
In 2020, the following videos were produced to support education and outreach activities:
- Como criar uma conta Wiki (How to create a Wiki account);
- Como carregar imagens no Wikimedia Commons (How to upload images on Wikimedia Commons);
- Como utilizar as imagens do Wikimedia Commons na Wikipédia (How to use Wikimedia Commons media on Wikipedia);
- Como usar a página de testes (How to use the sandbox page);
- Como adicionar referências em um artigo na Wikipédia (How to add references in a Wikipedia article);
- Como adicionar predefinições (How to add templates);
It is also worth noting that activities we organize and support often generate video resources, available on our YouTube channel and Wikimedia Commons.
Community support and outreach
[editar]In 2020, we held six Wikidata Labs. These events were seen 483 times this year in the aggregate, and activities engaged 76 people, including 24 new editors. We also developed nine resources and had nine institutional partners involved: Museu Paulista, Fundação Banco do Brasil, Fundação de Apoio à Universidade de São Paulo, Universidade de São Paulo, Sesc Ipiranga, Goethe Institut, RIDC NeuroMat, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, and Wikicite. We have also organized the Festa do Wikidata and Wikicite sessions, supported by e-scholarships from Wikicite.
We have sustained a constant process of community communication. In 2020, we reached 65 media appearances of activities promoted by the group. Reports on GLAM activities were systematically reported on the "This Month on GLAM!" newsletter.

Wiki Takes a City has become a tradition in Brazil. We had originally planned to "take" São Luiz do Paraitinga, but for reasons associated with the COVID-19 pandemics we chose a city that provided a better infrastructure for the few volunteers who were selected to take pictures of and map the city. Results are available on the event portal on Wikipedia in Portuguese. It is worth noting that this Wiki Takes was organized in partnership with an independent group of Wikimedians,, which is currently applying for recognition as a Wikimedia affiliate.

The 2020 edition of Wiki Loves Monuments had to be postponed --as in many countries-- but has broken records for Brazil. It has reached its highest number of contributions ever and the highest number of used images.
In 2020, WMB managed to establish new GLAM partnerships with seven new institutions: Biblioteca Carlos Benjamin de Lyra, Biblioteca da ECA and Musica Brasilis, Biblioteca da FAU, Instituto Hercule Florence, Institute of Brazilian Studies and Brasileira para Progresso da Ciência.
WMB has engaged with the global #WikiForHumanRights campaign, by organizing a set of three events with a special focus on refugees.
Relationship with Other Groups
[editar]Our closest partner is Wikimedia Portugal, with which we carry out joint projects and keep a regular interaction.
We have regularly interacted with:
- Wikipedia & Education User Group, for instance having received their support for our Oficinas Wikimedia & Educação;
- Whose Knowledge?, particularly in projects on Wikimedia decolonization; and
- Wikimedia Deutschland, for instance in the co-organizing of WikidataCon 2021.
We are in touch with affiliates and community groups from Latin America, though no formal project has occurred yet.
We have also interacted and collaborated with Wikimedia Israel, Wikimedia Medicine, Wikimedia Switzerland, Art+Feminism User Group, Wikimedians in Residence Exchange Network User Group.
In Brazil, we are in constant contact with the following non-affiliated community groups:
Criteria for Recognition
[editar]Every organization that applies for recognition as a Wikimedia Chapter or Thematic Organisation must meet nine criteria:
- Diversity of Activities
- Planning and Evaluation
- External Partnerships
- Aligned Mission
- Geographic or Thematic Focus
- Legal Structure
- Open Governance
- Active Contributor Involvement
- Capacity
In evaluating an applicant against these criteria, the Affiliations Committee is required to confirm that the applicant organization has demonstrated the two-year record of programmatic activity required of all potential Wikimedia chapters by the Board of Trustees, as well as the capacity to successfully carry out programmatic activities and operate as an independent Wikimedia chapter in the future.
Diversity of Activities
[editar]An organization which applies for recognition as a Wikimedia Chapter or Thematic Organisation is required to plan and conduct a variety of different programs and events; to balance online and offline projects; to strive for continuous activity; and to conduct programs and events at least once every two months.
Activities in 2020
[editar]What follows is based on our report of activities for 2020. Activities for previous years are available on our meta page.
- Plan
- Periodic meetings
- General Assembly, December 5th (printed minutes)
- minutes of the September meeting
- minutes of the July meeting (open)
- minutes of the May meeting
- minutes of the March meeting (open)
- minutes of the January meeting
- International meetings
- WikiCon Portugal, jan. 2020 - one representative
- Wikidata Days 2020 - two members in the Program Committee
- Partnerships
- Joined as a member of the Brazilian Coalition of Digital Rights (Coalizão Direitos na Rede)
- Biblioteca Carlos Benjamin de Lyra - University of São Paulo
- Biblioteca da ECA - University of São Paulo
- Biblioteca da FAU - University of São Paulo
- Musica Brasilis Portal
- Instituto Hercule Florence
- Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros
- Creative Commons Brasil: two members have joined the 2020 CC Brasil board
- user group will have a representative in the Brazilian management committee of the internet
- Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência
- Education programs
- UESC: General Ecology (2), Ixocactus
- FCL: Sociology and Communications, Lgjunior
- USCS: Communications, Lgjunior
- FCL: Journalism, Joalpe
- UFRGS: Mathematics, Lechatjaune
- UFRJ: Orthopterologia, Pedroecous
- UTFPR: Agronomia - AG63C Classificação do Solo, Alessandro Samuel-Rosa
- Faculdade Madre Thaís: Arquitetura e Urbanismo - Estudos Sociais e Ambientais, Friduxa, Ixocactus
- UTFPR: Curso Aberto de Redes de Computadores, Dpigatto
- IME-USP, ECA-USP: Biblioteca IME, Biblioteca ECA - Infoeducação e Wikipédia, Lilian Viana, Ssstela
- IME-USP, ECA-USP: Biblioteca IME, Biblioteca ECA - Introdução ao Wikidata, Lilian Viana, Ssstela
- IB-USP: Invertebrados, Silvionihei
- Lectures
- El lenguaje natural del voto, UAEM
- Humanidades Digitais e as plataformas Wikimedia, USCS
- Wikipedia & Education UG
- SESC Bauru
- From Web 2.0 to Web 3.0, from Wikipedia to Wikidata, Tel-Aviv University
- No-budget Science
- Lecture on Wikidata in education, LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group
- Lecture on education programs at Youth LACIGF 2020 Open Course
- As plataformas Wikimedia, usos educacionais e como editar, UFRGS
- As plataformas Wikimedia, o Museu Nacional e como editar, UFRJ
- As plataformas Wikimedia, usos educacionais e como editar, IEB 5040, IEB-USP
- As plataformas Wikimedia, minorias e pessoas negras, como editar e maratona de edição, ESPM
- Workshops
- Oficinas Wikimedia & Educação 2020: Oficina I
- Oficinas Wikimedia & Educação 2020: Oficina II
- Oficinas Wikimedia & Educação 2020: Oficina III
- Oficinas Wikimedia & Educação 2020: Oficina IV
- Oficinas Wikimedia & Educação 2020: Oficina V
- Oficinas Wikimedia & Educação 2020: Oficina VI
- Oficinas Wikimedia & Educação 2020: Oficina VII
- Resources
- Wikipédia de A a Z
- Como criar uma conta Wiki
- Como carregar imagens no Wikimedia Commons
- Como utilizar as imagens do Wikimedia Commons na Wikipédia
- Como usar a página de testes
- Como adicionar referências em um artigo na Wikipédia
- Como adicionar predefinições
- Edit-a-thons

- II Foro de Patrimonio Joven España-Brasil 2020
- Artes+Feminismos na Lusofonia 2020
- IMS Artes Feminismos II
- USCS Wiki Mulher+Memória+Grande ABC 2020: remote activity
- Mulher, Arte e História I (remote activity - Youtube)
- Mulher e Mídia V (postponed)
- Editatona Artes+Feminismos - Arte & Trabalho: remote activity
- Editatona Artes+Feminismos - Arte & Arquivo: remote activity
- Editatona Artes+Feminismos - Práticas Interseccionais - Arte Trans: remote activity
- Os indígenas no museu (remote activity - YouTube)
- São Paulo fotográfica (remote activity - YouTube)
- As lutas pela independência do Brasil (remote activity - YouTube)
- As águas do Museu Paulista (remote activity - YouTube)
- Cartografias e territórios (remote activity - YouTube)
- Ilustração científica: Taunay e Florence (remote activity - YouTube)
- Santos Dumont (remote activity - YouTube)
- SESC Bauru
- II Foro de Patrimonio Joven España-Brasil 2020
- Editatona Twitter
- Editatona #WikiForHumanRights: Missão Paz
- Editatona #WikiForHumanRights: Coletivo Educar para o Mundo
- Editatona #WikiForHumanRights: MigraMundo
- Campaigns
- Wikiconcurso Arquivo Nacional
- Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos
- Whose Knowledge? 2020 #Visible Wiki Women (partner & friend)
- Wikiconcurso Museu Paulista
- WLE 2020 (support)
- Wiki Ocupa Jundiaí
- Training
- Wikidata Lab XXI: Structured Bibliographic References (YouTube)
- Wikidata Lab XXII: WikiProject COVID-19 (YouTube)
- Wikidata Lab XXII: LUA training workshop (postponed)
- Wikidata Lab XXIII: Wiki-Education and Data Literacy (YouTube)
- Wikidata Lab XXIV: Relative Digital Positioning (YouTube)
- Wikidata Lab XXV: Interoperability and Data Access (YouTube)
- Wikidata Party [3] [4] [5]
- Audio descriptions of Museu Paulista artworks (community capacity building)
- Wikidata Lab XXVI: Structured Citations Module in Wikipedia (YouTube)
- Talks
- A experiência do Museu Paulista na Plataforma Wiki
- História na Wiki: relato 07
- Spreading GLAM-Wiki Resources in Brazil
- Aprenda a editar a Wikipédia
- Abre-te Código: Technologies
- Importance of digital dissemination for museums
- If Wikidata is the solution...
- Abre-te Código: Wikidata for cultural institutions and GLAM-Wiki partnerships
- Collaborations
- Curation of the OpenGLAM Twitter account
- Wikipedia y bibliotecas: Recursos y tutoriales de proyectos Wikimedia
Below is a list of all GLAM partnerships in development by the user group in the year 2020, but there is a complete list of WMB GLAM partnerships. Predefinição:Wikidata list
Predefinição:Wikidata list end
- GLAM process documentation
- Tutorial for audio description of artwork
- Museu Paulista GLAM-Wiki initiative visual report
- Abre-te Código hackathon
- Webinar with Instituto Moreira Salles, on YouTube
- Wikimedians in Residence (PDF)
- GLAM Wiki: step by step (PDF)
- Opening up the collection of a closed museum in Brazil, for OpenGLAM
Our outreach activities are systematically reported on This Month in GLAM
- Development
- Wiki Museu do Ipiranga - Quantos tem? (former Povo Conta)
- Wiki Museu do Ipiranga - Com que roupa eu vou? (former Trajo)
- Research on the group
- News on the front: experiences with digital humanities in a History course in the suburbs of the great São Paulo area
- Digital curation in the collections of culture and memory: Digital Collection Civilist Campaign of Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa
- Policy
- Wiki Movement Brazil UG statement on proposal 2630/2020, known as the "Fake News bill"
- Contributions to policy paper on internet regulation and risks to collaborative projects, Internet Lab, Sep. 9.
Activities Plan for 2021
[editar]What follows is based on our Activities Plan for 2021.
- Strategy
The WMB has worked with a multidimensional approach to strategy, focusing on elaborating comprehensive plans for specific areas. We expect this approach to lead up to a consolidated strategic document in the near future.
The Diversity Strategic Plan was drafted in 2019, reviewed during the 2020 General Assembly, and is under implementation. An annual assessment will be made by the WMB Diversity Committee.
In 2021, the Strategic Communications Plan drafted in 2020 will be implemented and adjusted to enhance community engagement and support. Assessments will be made after six and twelve months of implementation by the WMB Communications Committee.
Our group will work in 2021 on consolidating three other strategic plans: Governance, Internal management and Sustainability.
- Campaigns
Objectives | Activities | Metrics |
Wiki Loves Monuments |
Wiki Loves Bahia |
| |
| ||
| ||
| ||
Wiki Takes |
| |
Wikicontest |
Risk assessment
- Lack of interest in the event;
- Limitation of mobility in cities due to health policies might lower contributions and participation;
- Unforeseen problems on transportation of people and resources;
- Problems with internet connection in distant areas and without resources.
- Events
Objectives | Activities | Metrics |
Lusophone Wiki Party |
Wikidata Birthday |
| |
Offline general assembly |
| |
Meetups with the community and partners |
| |
International conferences |
| |
WikidataCon 2021 |
Risk assessment
- Lack of interest in the event;
- Lack of presence due to mobility restrictions determined by local authorities.
- Limitations on travels;
- Outreach & Education
Objectives | Activities | Metrics |
Education programs & workshops |
Training workshops & edit-a-thons |
| |
Uploads in continuous flow |
| |
Process documentation |
| |
Organic communications |
| |
Partnerships |
Risk assessment
- Dependency on external actors, such as educators and universities agendas.
- External actors and politics affecting
- We need to be very cautious about messages we convey;
Planning and Evaluation
[editar]An organization which applies for recognition as a Wikimedia Chapter or Thematic Organisation is required to set specific goals and targets for programs, projects, and events before executing them; to measure the results of programs, projects, and events against those targets; and to report on those results to the Wikimedia Foundation and the wider Wikimedia movement.
[editar]Our planning process is currently based on strategic compass points and annual activities plan.
Strategic plans include:
- Diversity Plan
- Strategic Communication Plan (pilot implementation in 2021)
- Management Plan (under development, expected to be ready in 2021)
- Governance Plan (under development, expected to be ready in 2021)
- Sustainability Plan (to be developed)
Strategic plans provide a direction for annual plans. Annual plans are built cooperatively among group members and approved during the General Assembly. For reference:
Plans of activities orient the development of our annual plan grant requests for the Wikimedia Foundation. For reference:
[editar]Each and every programmatic activity of our organization is reported and communicated. Report occurs on an management control table and on our meta page. The control table is not open to the public, as it may have personal information on partners we have worked with, but access may be made available upon request and justification. Communication occurs to external outlets --such as our social media-- and on wiki.
Report and community communication are fundamental aspects of evaluation, as they provide transparency and accountability to stakeholders.
Individually, programs are assessed according to expected results and taking into account risks. Expected results and risk assessment are available on our annual grant reports: for reference, one may check the final report for 2020.
Metrics are computed publicly --i.e., our Outreach Dashboard campaign.
External Partnerships
[editar]An organization which applies for recognition as a Wikimedia Chapter or Thematic Organisation is required to engage in programmatic partnerships with external groups and organizations (for example, cultural, academic, or government institutions, and so on) to promote the Wikimedia movement and to add and improve content on Wikimedia projects.
WMB is a member of:
- Coalizão Direitos na Rede, the most important alliance of open-knowledge organizations in Brazil;
- Comitê Gestor da Internet, the official committee that regulates the internet in Brazil;
- Creative Commons Global Network, an international group of advocates of the use of open license.
A milestone in our activity alongside open-knowledge organizations has been the participation of the civil society mobilization to make pressure against bills that would harm the Wikimedia ecosystem. This activity was done with the support of the WMF Legal Team and led to proposing specific amendments to a bill to exclude Wikimedia projects from regulatory policies. This document provides a rationale for our role in this mobilization.
Below is a list of all GLAM-Wiki partnerships in development by the user group. Details on each case --such as ratification document, scope of program, participants and results-- are available on the partnership link.
Predefinição:Wikidata list end
Other partnerships --for instance, with research agencies and educational institutions-- are systematically documented on our annual reports.
Aligned Mission
[editar]An organization which applies for recognition as a Wikimedia Chapter or Thematic Organisation is required to have a mission similar to the mission and vision of the Wikimedia Foundation, and to adhere to the guiding principles of the Wikimedia Foundation and the Wikimedia movement.
As written on our meta page, our mission is to: "To provide solutions that increase the number and improve the quality of pertaining reliable information in the Wikimedia projects, planning and executing activities that are in accordance to the scope and principles of the Wikimedia movement."
Geographic Focus (Chapters) / Thematic Focus (Thematic Organizations)
[editar]An organization which applies for recognition as a Wikimedia Chapter must be based in a single country or region; cannot be based in a country or region where a chapter already exists; and is expected to focus its activities in that region.
An organization which applies for recognition as a Wikimedia Thematic Organisation must have a clearly defined cultural, linguistic, or thematic focus; and is expected to structure its activities around that focus.
Our organization is based in Brazil and is currently the only Wikimedia affiliate to work in this country. This information is documented on our page on meta and may also be verified on our bylaws.
- Note: Our official bylaws bring personal information from our board members, and access to this document will only be provided upon request and with a justification.
Legal Structure
[editar]An organization which applies for recognition as a Wikimedia Chapter or Thematic Organisation is required to be a legally incorporated entity; to be a non-profit organization (or have an equivalent legal status in its home jurisdiction); to be legally independent from the Wikimedia Foundation; and to follow all applicable laws and regulations.
- Document of incorporation
- According to article 1 of our bylaws, our group is a legal, non-profit entity.
- Note: Our official bylaws bring personal information from our board members, and access to this document will only be provided upon request and with a justification.
Open Governance
[editar]An organization which applies for recognition as a Wikimedia Chapter or Thematic Organisation is required to operate under a set of governing documents (such as bylaws) which have been approved by the Affiliations Committee; to allow new members to join; and to have a governing body that is elected by and responsible to their members.
- Bylaws
- Minutes of the 2021 February meeting
- 2020 General Assembly, December 5th (printed minutes, which can be scanned upon request and with justification, as they bear personal information of signatory members)
- Minutes of the 2020 September meeting
- Minutes of the 2020 July meeting (open)
- Minutes of the 2020 May meeting
- Minutes of the 2020 March meeting (open)
- Minutes of the 2020 January meeting
Our group alternates between open meetings --which are communicated widely and may be attended by anyone interested in knowing us-- and member-only meetings.
A membership form is always available on our meta page. Applications are assessed at least once a year.
- Note: Our official bylaws bring personal information from our board members, and access to this document will only be provided upon request and with a justification.
Active Contributor Involvement
[editar]An organization which applies for recognition as a Wikimedia Chapter or Thematic Organisation is expected to involve at least 20 active Wikimedia contributors (individuals with at least 300 contributions to a Wikimedia project under a registered account that has existed for at least 6 months and is in good community standing).

Our membership is systematically reported on this page. All members listed have at least 300 contributions to a Wikimedia project under a registered account that has existed for at least 6 months and are in good community standing. We receive applications in a constant flow and assess them at least once a year, normally at the General Assembly.
The image on this section provides the evolution of our membership size since 2017, when we became a nonprofit entity according to the Brazilian law.
As of May 2021, our members were:
[editar]An organization which applies for recognition as a Wikimedia Chapter or Thematic Organisation is required to demonstrate capacity to meet future responsibilities and expectations (such as organizing programs and activities; recruiting volunteers and obtaining funding; maintaining compliance with legal obligations, chapter and grant agreements, and movement best practices; and so on).
- 2020 Financial Statement, ratified by an accountant and approved by the General Assembly
- Successful 2021 sAPG application
- Outreach Dashboard Wiki Movimento Brasil campaign, listing ~6,000 editors who have been involved in our programs since 2014.
- List of most active supporters (kept for historical purpose, as some editors have disengaged)
Rationale for Recognition
[editar]An organization which applies for recognition as a Wikimedia Chapter or Thematic Organisation is required to clearly articulate how recognition will enhance its ability to further the charitable mission of the Wikimedia Foundation and the global Wikimedia movement.
Wiki Movimento Brasil is a user group that operates as a chapter. We are a national organization, with a strong community base in several Brazilian cities and in a wide variety of Wikimedia projects. We currently have a professional team. We have been active since 2013 and more recently have been the recipient of several WMF grants, including three sAPGs, for activities in 2017, 2020 and 2021. We lead a diverse pool of activities, including massive education courses and large GLAM-Wiki initiatives.
We have been a contributor in the global Wikimedia movement. In 2021, we will co-organize with WMDE our first international conference, WikidataCon. We have played leading roles in movement governance discussions and global meetings (i.e., Wikimania, GLAM-WikiCon).
Today, Wiki Movimento Brasil contributes to a stable environment in Brazil. We have productive relations with unaffiliated Wikimedia groups, which we have supported and eventually guided.
We understand that our progress will be hindered if we do not get "tagged" as we really are, a chapter, though we are also confident the distinction between chapters and user groups is not as relevant as it used to be. Anyhow, to consolidate the position of our affiliate is especially important in circumstances in which we as a movement are moving towards building a stronger representation from the Global South.
Application Progress
[editar]Stage | Status |
In Planning - New Application | ![]() |
In Progress - Bylaws Submitted | |
In Progress - Bylaw Revisions & Application Completion | |
In Progress - Committee Review | |
In Progress - Recommendation Drafting | |
In Progress - Recommendation Submitted | |
Complete - Application process complete |