Sexta poética/en

Grupo de Usuários Wiki Movimento Brasil
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Friday's poems

Page created to discuss the project Friday's poems collaborative literary movement, which uses the Mediawiki platform and is affiliated to the Wikimedia Brazil. The content of this page will guide a possible project presentation at Wikimania 2011 in Haifa.



Years ago back in 1977 in our office at the Bank of Brazil in Brasilia, DF we decided that the middle of the work day needed something that could break the rhythm of our stressful work flow. Back then we called it "One Minute of Poetry" where anyone could bring something to share and express their inner poetic side.

Then as time passed, people moved to different ports and sailed away in different directions but I always kept the idea in my mind. On August 2003 an email list was created and Sexta Poética (Friday basket Poetry) was born with the same principal - to keep the poetry flowing between friends.

As we evolved so did Sexta Poética and this poetic literary movement became more collaborative on the context of the Wikimedia Foundation's brazilian chapter establishment. It aims to provide a vector for the flow of the poetic impulse from individuals to the community and from the community to individuals. It is an ode to subjectivity, a place where you can read what other people write and where anyone can write freely.



The efectiveness of the Friday's poems as a collaborative poetic movement was came to real with the participation of some Wikimedia Brasil volunteers and on the same context of its organization as a Wikimedia Foundation chapter.

Even before Sexta Poética presentation to the Wikimedia Brasil comunity on its mailing list, it was discussed with some volunteers who have considered it totally consistent with Wikimedia Brasil Statement of Principles and gave it their support.



The Friday's poems idea was born in august 2003 as an answer to Casual day manegement practice. On that year I started to send poems I used to write to many friends by email. It was indeed an attempt to add a more subjective sense, to be connected to the state of mind of people and provide a less superficial to the desire of people being less formal, prone `to enjoy the relief of a weekend.

Cláudia Matarazzo, a brasilian estilist tells on her UOL site each day the number of companies tha adopt Casual day grows, making employees feel a greater sende of freedom in the way they vest". She ends saying tha "it is the day without necklaces". And gives some tips ladies and gentlements should wear, what kind of t-shirts, these or those shoes and so on.

In the wake of this phenomenon, a counterpoint to established rules, I've created the Friday's poems. Once a 2003 friday, after send a Carlos Drummond de Andrade poem, who had told me I should follow my inner poetic side, I've decided to send my own poems. And began to write more frequently aiming that and having the last business day of the week as a reference to meeting with myself and sharing emotions.

Now, the The Friday's poems win poetic new-style, with a character of collaborative literary movement, whose philosophy of action will be guided by Wikimedia Brazil Statement of Principles. The vision of the future is that many poets, story-tellers and brasilian producers of other genres of texts will have an area of this site to share their production and that it will be an optionalways looked for people who loves literacy

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This site was managed in the beginning by Nevinho , poet of Brasilia, with the hope that it would be used by other poets, contistas, writers of any literary genre and producers of texts in general to storage and dissemination of its cultural production. With the development of content, the site won the support of other Wikimedia Brazil volunteers, who began to work assiduously and gained status of administrators (Ozymandias and Solstag). Lately Zaida has joined us.

The website went offline for a couple of years when Nevinho had some issues maintaining it, but it was brought back and is currentely hosted and admnistered by Solstag in a private server shared with another community project.

Registered users


Remarkable contributions




The site uses the Copyleft license under "CreativeCommons-Atribuição-Compartilhamento-pela-mesma-licença".

This means that it allows use of the site content in any way for any purpose and in any event, even creating content thereof, provided that using the same license and credit the author(s), for example with a link to content of the page used.

Contributions to the site require the permit under these terms and, therefore, material that is not under a compatible license nor edited by the author hinself shall not be included.

Being open to active participation of all people, who can both read and edit all the pages, the site offers no guarantee of integrity in the presentation of original texts on it.

Printed version




No personal information is required by this site. It follows our Statement of Principles.

By creating an account, it asked only one email address for confirmation of her creation. In all cases, the IP is registered to the user's machine, but it will not be tracked and user identity will be preserved, if he did not identify.

Category policies


The logic that guides the categorization favors the allocation of authorship and not the specific page, nor by literary genres neither by subjects covered. Therefore, the site follows the creation of anatomical metaphor of a tree (fiber-leaf-branch-trunk-tree). The trunk is "Category:Cultural producers", the branches are types of producers (poets, contistas, chroniclers, novelists, filmmakers, painters, etc.), the leaves are Regionality and the fibers are names or aliases.