Comitê Estratégico de Bibliotecas do WMB/en
Wiki Movimento Brasil (WMB) created this strategic committee in the beginning of 2023, to expand and improve its performance in terms of GLAM partnerships with librarians in Brazilian territory.
There will be regular meetings, bimonthly or quarterly, attended by committee members and WMB staff. These meetings will be important spaces for exchange and guidance, where we will present the WMB's plans and accomplishments in broadening its networks and practices with librarians in Brazil, with special interest in Wikidata. The closed meetings will be in Portuguese / English, with simultaneous translation between languages.
Libraries in Brazil
Data published by BBC Brazil on July 16, 2022 indicate that in the 5-year period (between 2015 and 2020), the number of public libraries in Brazil dropped from 6,057 to 5,293 (a reduction of 12.61%). The most affected region was the Southeast, where 683 institutions were closed.
According to the survey data TIC Cultura 2020, carried out by Brazilian Network Information Center (, by the Regional Center for Studies for the Development of the Information Society ( and by the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (, the digital context of Brazilian public libraries is as follows:
- 15% - They do not use the Internet due to lack of Internet access infrastructure in the region where they are located,
- 9% - They do not use the Internet due to high connection costs,
- 12% - They make their catalog or collection list available for online consultation,
- Most of them use cataloging rules, metadata standards and standardized language to organize their collections,
- Most of them have items in public domain condition and/or under open license, but do not make them available on the Internet, and
- The main obstacles for a better and bigger online performance are:
- Lack of financial resources for hiring and developing technology, and
- Little training of the institution's staff in the use of computers and Internet.
In percentage numbers, we have:
Data: TIC Cultura 2020
GLAM partnerships
GLAM is an acronym derived from the English terms for Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums and represents the set of all cultural institutions and/or custodians of human historical and cultural heritage. In Brazil, we added the word "Culture" because there are other organizations that have collections and potential to participate in wiki projects, such as research groups.
GLAM-Wiki are free partnerships for uploading files and metadata to wiki platforms for broad dissemination of their collections worldwide. These initiatives aim to improve content in Portuguese, mainly on topics of culture and science, and have an impact beyond the encyclopedia itself: they have repercussions on the dissemination of educational resources, the improvement of scientific culture, the digital preservation of collections, the expansion of local tourism, the propagation of local culture, and community building.
See the complete list of GLAM-Wiki partnerships of the Movimento Brasil Wiki.
WMB's partnerships with Libraries

GLAM with University of São Paulo Libraries aims to communicate information and knowledge produced by the academic community of USP in different Wikimedia projects, contributing to the development of free knowledge. Moreover, it aims to promote educational practices through the use of these projects in actions with teachers and students.
GLAM with USP Libraries emerged in July 2020 and is composed of the libraries of the following units of the University of São Paulo:
- Escola de Comunicação e Artes (ECA/USP)
- Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU/USP)
- Instituto de Matemática e Estatística (IME/USP)
Wiki Movimento Brasil's Strategy 2023-2025

In November 2022, we published our Strategy 2023-2025. This document defines and guides the actions of the Wiki Movimento Brasil (WMB) for the coming years, focusing on activation, coordination and social transformation in favor of free knowledge.
The document indicates five main strategic axes and, among them, the most aligned with the scope of GLAM partnerships are:
- Articulate Brazilian wikimedian agencies, and
- Foment and diversify partnerships for free knowledge in Brazil.
The committee is organized by Wiki Movimento Brasil (WMB), a Brazilian non-profit association, the only Brazilian affiliate recognized by the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF), which acts in the activation, coordination and social transformation in favor of free knowledge. Founded in 2013, the WMB seeks, among other goals: to expand, qualify and diversify the content and the community in Wikimedia projects, especially Wikipedia; and support the performance of social organizations in the ecosystem of free knowledge.
- Laurie Bridges (Oregon State University)
- Lilian Viana (Library of School of Communication and Arts / USP)
- Paul R. Burley (Northwestern University)
- Paula Nunes (Secretariat of Culture of the State of Espírito Santo, Midiateca Capixaba)
- Silvia Gutiérrez (Wikimedia Foundation)
- Stela Madruga (Library of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics / USP)
- Sandra Soster - GLAM & Culture Manager (Wiki Movimento Brasil)
- Lucas Belo - Project Assistant (Wiki Movimento Brasil)
Questions and more information:
- 10 April 2023 - First meeting
- 10 June 2023 - Second meeting
- 15 September 2023 - Third meeting
Friendly Space
The committee is organized by Wiki Movimento Brasil and, therefore, membership in the Friendly Space Policy.