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Grupo de Usuários Wiki Movimento Brasil
Clonca High Cross in Ireland. More pictures...
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de-N Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
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I'm Andreas F. Borchert from Lonsee in Germany. Please use the pronouns he/him/his when referring to me. Since 2005 I am active at multiple Wikimedia projects including Commons and de:wp where I hold sysop privileges. Most of my articles and pictures are related to my interest in Ireland, particularly its medieval history. I love to research a topic for weeks or even months by finding and studying scholarly literature about it for new articles. In many cases these are subjects hardly anyone ever reads. Typical examples are the obscure ruins of a medieval priory and hospital near Nenagh or a mostly forgotten 19th-century businessman and politician. In this regard I very much profit from projects like Wikipedia:JSTOR where I was lucky in belonging to those with an early access. I am also member of the support team where I process info-de and permission tickets. Here I focus on challenging permission cases and BLP problems.